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Specialised Services

Challenging Behaviour

We work closely with individuals who may present challenging or adverse behaviour and understand that all behaviour happens for a reason.  Over a period of time we identify and investigate the possible causes and triggers of such behaviour by carrying out a functional assessment.  We seek to find out what the reasons are and monitor the behaviour’s to help us find out the exact causes.


Behaviours that put the safety of the person or others at risk and has a significant impact on the persons or other people’s quality of life might be:

   Aggression to others– hitting. kicking, biting, head-butting and pulling of hair
o    Destruction - ripping clothes, breaking furniture and throwing objects
o    Self-injury head banging, self-biting, self-picking
o    Tantrums uncontrollable emotional outbursts
o    Eating inedible objects
o    Other behaviours such as smearing, spitting, stripping off, running away and rocking
We introduce individual strategies and work with the individual to develop positive behaviour guidelines to reduce the risk of self-harm or the harming of others.

We work closely with the intervention team, families, psychologist and psychiatrists to achieve such goals and aspirations.



We provide person centred support to enable people with autism spectrum disorders to achieve personal outcome.  We place the support around each individual and adapt the service to meet their individual needs.

We maintain a Positive Family and Independent Advocacy links.



Complex Needs

We support service users who have complex support needs including Epilepsy, Severe Learning Disabilities, Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities, Sensory Impairment and associated Health & Mental Health issues.

We place the support around each individual and adapt the service to meet their individual needs.

We maintain a Positive Family and Independent Advocacy links.

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