Activity Centre
We offer a range of activities
At SFI we encourage service users to participate in a wide range of stimulating and fun activities within the community. We are able to adapt to the needs of the individual and we actively seek new interests and activities that all of our service users can participate in and enjoy.
NEW TOPICS – BOOK EARLY to ensure your place on our new range of short courses for delegates who just want to attend a short course:
Healthy Eating Lifestyle
Food Preparation
Travel Training
Income and Money Management
Computer/ Internet Skills
Communication – Phone, letters & email
Daily Living Skills including Health & Safety
Social Skills
Personal Presentation
Preparation & Transition into Work
Currently at our Activity Centre we hold sessions on the following:
Arts & Crafts
Music Therapy Dance
Computer Aided Learning
Independent Living Training
Literacy, Numeracy & Communication Skills
Drama Lessons
Money Management Skills
Cooking & Baking
Health & Beauty
Puzzles & Games
In House Movies
Preparation for Work and Enterprise
Sensory Room
Knitting and Sewing
Current Affairs –newspapers, news
Community Activities
Exploring Outdoors & Places of Interest
Health & Fitness
Travel & Transport Skills
Ten-Pin Bowling
Coffee Mornings
Cake stalls and Fund Rising
Reminiscence Work – Life history, newspapers, photos, museums etc.
At SFI Activity Centre, we consider the individual needs of our service users and create day care packages to suit their needs. We also provide group support & 1:1 if required.
Our Activity Centre staff are trained to complete QCF level 2, 3 & 5 accreditation and they receive ongoing training. Their training also includes providing personal care and support to service users with their meals.